It's a fact that we are all living busier lives, there is so much to fit in and juggling work/family/children/pets is no walk in the park!
Is there such a thing as being too organised? I think, as long as you keep some flexibility, a bit of organisation can help you access more, both in your business or personal life.
So here's my top 5 tips for an organised life.
1. Make a list
Make a list of all your weekly and monthly tasks for work and home. Can these be split so you can do them on set days over the week or month? Don't forget to plan in some time for yourself...is there a particular day or evening when you are less busy and could fit in that exercise class or a walk with a friend?
2. Don't let the housework drag you down
I highly recommend Gemma Bray and The Organised Mum Method for this. Gemma's method breaks down the housework into 30 minutes each day and gives you your weekends back. You don't have to follow this to the letter, tweak it so that it suits you and your lifestyle.
3. Start the week as you mean to go on
Sunday is a great day to sit down for half an hour and plan for the week ahead. Check your diary and remind yourself of what you've got coming up so there are no surprises and rearrange any scheduled tasks if you need to.
4. Meal Plan
How often do you get to the end of a busy day and then you have to think about what's for dinner. The tiredness kicks in and before you know it, it's a takeaway or processed food from the supermarket. It doesn't take long to plan your meals for the week ahead and you can get some great magnetic planners for the fridge from Amazon that are wipeable and there's even a space to create a shopping list as you go.
5. Use a Task Management App
There are some fantastic tools out there such as Asana or ToDoIst that can help you organise both business and personal projects but don't forget Siri or Alexa can quickly set reminders up for you as well.
Now all you've got to do is plan those fun-filled weekends.